Thursday, July 31, 2008

'Twas the Last Day of July: A Veteran Teacher's Lament

an original poem written by the poster...

'Twas the last day of July, and all through the town
Kids and teachers not excited, and wearing a frown.
Bins full of crayons crowd the isles at Target,
Moms anticipating August; we trying to forget.

The sun brightly beckons, the days are still long.
Why does everyone think, we sing the same song?
Everyone likes getting new clothes and shoes,
but when it's for school, it brings on the blues!

The sales begin in the last week of June,
"Hot Fun in the Summertime" 's my ringer's tune.
Halloween items creep in by the end of July,
Christmas will be September if we eagerly comply!

I'd like to propose to slow down and enjoy
the time we have before called to employ.
The novels I collect from August to June
Are only half read, time will be up soon!
The writings I yearn to put down on a page,
will have to then wait for another stage.

For I'll be busy with students, and parents to please,
Who argue for their children to get A's with ease.
Doing the work of administrators who say it's my job;
Preparing kids for tests whose creativity they rob.

While I look forward to meeting my brood of one-fifty,
I must admit that my summers are nifty.
A time to relax, to rejuvenate,
A time to recoup so I can relate
To kids who come eagerly through my door,
Wondering if she'll be nice, or think I'm a bore.
To the kids who work hard and the kids who are lazy,
To the kids who who are quiet, and may think I'm crazy!

And what to her sun-shaded eyes should appear?
But "Back to School" sales
and a fleet of school buses in the rear view mirror!
"Horrors!" she thinks as she pulls down the sash,
"School will be starting, going back in a flash!"

Back to the bell that rings to say we can walk,
when we can pee, and when we can talk!
Back to the alarm that has been turned off,
And cafeteria food from which we trough!

Now don't get me wrong, it's not the job I dread,
But when asked, "So school starts soon?"
I yearn to rip off a head.
"Must be nice..." is another phrase that gets me riled,
" get paid for not working!" makes me want to defile.

On Merriman and Webster, Glencoe and Holt!
On Prentice and Hall! I just want to bolt!

Back to my bed, under sheets that are clean,
Back to my patio with Anita Shreve!
Back to my home free of cat hair and clutter,
When school starts back, I just want to shudder!

But soon I'll be walking on the freshly waxed floors,
And thinking of ways to decorate my door.
Down locker-walled hallways with disinfected air,
To an unconditioned room at the top of the stairs!
To colleagues with tans and stories to tell,
To professional meetings I know so well.

The first day of school comes, too soon, I have said.
Smiling faces of children tell me I've nothing to dread.
Former students have grown, three inches or so,
And when they say, "Hi!" my heart starts to glow.

I want to let go of school issues past,
And tell everyone, "ENJOY SUMMER WHILE IT LASTS!"

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