Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot Bod, Day 1

Today begins Day 1 of my Hot Bod Makeover. I thought about treating it as a video blog, pretending I am on a Dr. Oz Challenge or something, but I don't have a web cam. Besides that, whenever I see myself in a mirror, I run....sideways....quickly. Why sideways? Think about it.

I have a feeling that I may have destroyed my metabolism over the years. I've been on a diet since I was 30. Really! It's been one after another. The first one was the "Cleveland Clinic"/Stewardess diet, also known as the "Three Day Army", the "Three Day Navy", the American Heart Association, Dr. Perricone, Dr. Christopher, "hot dog and ice cream" diet, where you eat weird combinations of food like red beets, saltines, tuna, canteloupe, cauliflower and, of course, hot dogs and ice cream. There was black coffee in there, too, but I'm not sure if that was to drink or do an enema with so I didn't do too well on that one. Then there was the caffeine diet. There were these little heart-shaped pills passed around in college that were just caffeine pills. Plain caffeine. I got headaches with those and people at work thought I was on drugs because I was hyper and never ate. Was really skinny, though, and to think I thought I was fat then! I tried to be bulimic once, before it had a name, but I can't make myself throw up...

I've been on Atkins, the Cabbage Soup diet, South Beach, and the Lemonade diet. I was also on the rum and diet Coke diet for a few months. I call that one the "Fortune" diet after some old friends who "started" it. I would have a few rum and cokes, some pretzels, and be too full for dinner. Sometimes I'd throw in some cheese for protein. The "Divorce/Prozac" diet worked. Slim Fast and working out like a fiend to conquer anxiety shed 30 pounds in two months, but I don't want to go there again.

Recently, I began going to a new doctor, a holistic doctor, who told me that I eat way too many carbs for my age. I take that to mean that my metabolism has slowed down and I don't burn calories as fast, so I shouldn't be consuming so many. (I should be under 100 per day; my favorite cinnamon crunch Panera bagel has 72 carbs alone, a once a month or so treat, but still!) The average person takes in around 300 per day. I'm wondering if it was my poor dietary history or the cruel joke played on women who hit 50. The joke being that throughout your forties, the metabolism slows at a rate that you really don't notice, nor do you notice the pounds that creep on as the result. Then again, I've gotten to be rather sedentary. I think I took Oprah a tad to literally when she said that when you get be a middle-aged woman, you can do what you want and what you don't want to do, you don't have to. The beauty of turning 50, yada yada. It was something to that effect. True, I don't have to exercise, but if you don't, there is nothing beautiful about 50, especially when your waist, bustline or your ass is approaching that number.

So, here I go, embarking on yet another attempt to shed pounds. I know, I know...It should be a "lifestyle change", something that will last, make a difference for the long haul. I will get there. In the meantime, I need to lose forty pounds by May so I can go shopping for a dress for Heather and Hank's wedding. i.e. desperate measures.

I was on the Physician's Weight Loss diet plan three years ago. It was hell the first week or two, but after that, I was energetic and felt great. It's a low calorie, low carb deal for the first ten days, then some whole grain carbs are added, kind of like South Beach, which is a very healthy diet and way of life. I'll continue with my Glycemic Foundation drink, coupled with the soy-isolate protein shake PWLC uses. We'll see. Check in next Monday. As my friend Emily put it, "Commence, Hot Bod!"